My name is Lyssa, a

nd this is my art journey. I have made the decision to write the next chapter of my life with art. I am graduating this spring and will be attending George Fox University in the fall and will be studying as an art major. Even though many may say I'm throwing away "massive academic potential" my heart is set on following my passion. My entire being thrives on art and this is only the beginning. I have never taken a single art class or had any formal instruction and I'm just itching to start. My specialty is photography thus far, but I'm psyched to delve into all mediums in the future such as painting and pottery. On this blog my hope is to document the artistic side of me as it grows.
I've named my blog "ArtLyss" because this is going to be about me only concerning things of art, so it's the art Lyss. Not the (Insert other Hobby) Lyss. Haha, and it happens to be a pun of "artless" which I thought was clever and puns are my favorite.
So I might compose a post soon about my art starting from a few years ago (when it wasn't so great) and work up to what I've been doing lately. And then as time goes on I'll be able to share everything I'm doing in college and what I'll be continuing to do on my own!
So this is my "art story" beginning now! Enjoy!
Art has always been something I've enjoyed, ever since I was little. I remember in elementary school mom's of my classmates would come in and lead art projects about once a month and it was my favorite part of school. But I would always dread it and trudge through it at the same time. I hated being confined to only creating what 35 of my friends were creating also and I always loved another kid's work over my own. And if I messed up what I was told I was supposed to do, everyone would see it. And the strict instruction was just irritating. Seems immature, yes, but give me a break. I was 8! But even so, it was the thing I loved taking home and looking at and dreaming of what else I could do with it.
Ok, confession time. I love creating, and it has made me somewhat of a hoarder since I was really young. I see what random materials and junk could be and I imagine the countless ways I might be able to use them. I kept everything that had a tiny chance of being used in a creation sometime in the future. I used my supplies sparingly also, and wasting them on pointless things really got to me. So when it came to my art supplies, I didn't exactly play well with others. To another kid, they wanted to just use them then and now and go crazy with it. And for me... talk about an anxiety attack! Art was precious to me.
Then in middle school I was trudging through school but always had a project that required creativity. And while all my other classmates were complaining I couldn't wait to get started. I loved designing posters and drawing things. But color sheets were the devil, let me tell you. Coloring inside the lines has never been my thing. I'm really skilled at it, but whats the fun in conventionality and boundaries? Yeah, none. Coloring books are not my thing. I feel as though they are implements for the artistic wanna-be's in the world.
After I consciously discovered my tendencies for creativity, I began picking up my parents camera. Partly because digital cameras were amazingly cool when we first got one, and partly cause it was just fun. I didn't really know anything about photography or even that it existed as an art. I just liked taking cool pictures. And I found I was decent at it. And it was a nice pass time.
Then starting high school, I got my very own camera. I was so excited even though looking back it was basically a piece of junk. But I went nuts taking pictures. Half of me and my friends, but I starting getting into taking what I resorted calling "pretty pictures." They weren't great, but it came naturally, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Here's a few of my favorites from back in the day!

So then for Christmas '10 I got a camera upgrade. I was blessed to have my family find a GREAT camera on a doorbuster deal on their very first black Friday experience! It's a Nikon Coolpix L110. And I love it, it's my baby. It resparked my interest in photography and gave it another nudge toward becoming a full blown passion and my realization that art may just be my gift and a piece of my life's calling and purpose. But being a student in an honors high school and community college, I don't get out much. My photography has been greatly limited to whats here at home. I have made do just fine. But my plans for a photography field trip always get pushed aside. Most of my photographs consist of nature, but I've been eager to try portraits. I had the opportunity to do my baby brother's homecoming pictures, and I'm ready for more and looking for experience. Here's a few pieces that I have done in the last year and half.

I have also taken to creating further than just snapping the picture and changing a few small things. They are outlandish and obviously overdone, but I enjoy it and like the results.

And that's a "brief" version of my life's story concerning art. I'm on my own and all my work is currently coming from pure and raw skill and intuition. And now as I enter college I get to watch it grow!