Even puppy wanted in on the action...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
I got some lovely flowers for graduation last weekend. And they've been wonderful and patient photography subjects. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Nikon Moments.
I can't say Kodak moments. That's blasphemy. It is now Nikon moments.
While my family was in town visiting last weekend, I found some good Nikon moments and ended up with a few portraits I just love.
And my personal favorite...
While my family was in town visiting last weekend, I found some good Nikon moments and ended up with a few portraits I just love.
And my personal favorite...
What is Love?
Besides a catchy song, the answer to this question is OBVIOUSLY a new Nikon camera. Duh
Because of my AWESOME family, I am the proud owner of a Nikon D5100. And believe me when I say that this is probably the best thing I have ever owned. I'm in love with this thing. In the last week I have been taking a couple hundred pictures a day and I'm having fun experimenting with all of the new things I can do now.
So obviously. I have some new and wonderful pictures I've been working on. So without further ado, here is a sample of my latest work.

Because of my AWESOME family, I am the proud owner of a Nikon D5100. And believe me when I say that this is probably the best thing I have ever owned. I'm in love with this thing. In the last week I have been taking a couple hundred pictures a day and I'm having fun experimenting with all of the new things I can do now.
So obviously. I have some new and wonderful pictures I've been working on. So without further ado, here is a sample of my latest work.
Also, you may have noticed I started putting a logo on my pictures. I want to think of a great name for my photography dealings. And "Lyssa Maree Photography" is what I came up with. So if you have any suggestions, I would LOVE to hear all about them!
And another tid bit of exciting news. I'm registered for college classes in the fall! I took a trip out to Newberg a few weeks ago and I'm all set. I'm double majoring in Christian ministries and of course studio art. So I'm starting off with Art History (I'm actually really psyched for this one), Basic Design 1, and Drawing 1! I'm super exciting to start!
And on top of that (I'm just full of cheery news today)... I GRADUATED! It's such a relief to be done with high school! I even had fun doing some photography with that. I know what you're thinking, I'm crazy. Yeah. Well... Yeah. I am.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
You are my sunshine!
..On a cloudy day!
Yesterday I managed to catch the last few minutes of a passing storm. I ran outside while it was pouring with the umbrella and the camera and went crazy. I got some great shots laying in the rain and standing in the gutter. I'm sure I looked like a dweeb out front. But I loved it.
Here is a sample of the product of my artful insanity.
If only every day was a rainy one and every moment was one lost in art <3
Yesterday I managed to catch the last few minutes of a passing storm. I ran outside while it was pouring with the umbrella and the camera and went crazy. I got some great shots laying in the rain and standing in the gutter. I'm sure I looked like a dweeb out front. But I loved it.
Here is a sample of the product of my artful insanity.
A personal favorite..
These next two just don't make sense.
A different stages and types of raindrops in a perfect circle. I have to give nature credit on this one.
And much to my dismay.. .The sun returned very quickly.
If only every day was a rainy one and every moment was one lost in art <3
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Someone abducted my cousin..
... Oh wait. That was just me.
I'm loving the new website I found for editing. I just had to release some creative energy the other day and this was the result. I turned my cousin into some weird creature. I sure had fun. But I'm also really enjoying learning a new program. There's so many more new things for me to do!
I'm loving the new website I found for editing. I just had to release some creative energy the other day and this was the result. I turned my cousin into some weird creature. I sure had fun. But I'm also really enjoying learning a new program. There's so many more new things for me to do!
Friday, April 20, 2012
May I present to you..
Monday, April 2, 2012
I shoot people!
Went to the park with my pseudo sister yesterday. I took hundreds of pictures, some of her and some of the nature at the park.
I edited the portraits first. Here are some of my favorites!

I edited the portraits first. Here are some of my favorites!

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